Sunday, December 21, 2008

Last Longer Bed The Most Common Causes Of Premature Ejaculation

It’s probably one of the most dreaded conditions among men. Sometimes I think that they fear this more than death itself. You have to be a man to understand the reasons. Or maybe not. I seriously doubt that this problem is enjoyable for women either, especially since it affects them indirectly. This article is going to explain a few of the reasons why men suffer from this problem, and hopefully, provide you with some hope in the process.

There are actually several causes of premature ejaculation. The most common is actually not physical but emotional. It’s anxiety over sexual performance. The man is literally afraid that he’s not going to be able to perform in bed. This fear ends up in him ejaculating, many times before the actual sex act is even consummated. This leads to a chain reaction of events where each encounter brings about more and more anxiety. It’s a vicious cycle that just feeds on itself.

Another common cause of premature ejaculation is overstimulation. Some men are just extremely sensitive and any stimulation to the genitals results in immediate release. This is more common a problem than most people realize, especially in younger men who are, by nature because of their youth, more sensitive than older men.

But there’s more. Another reason for premature ejaculation actually comes down to a learned response. Some men, for whatever reason, believe that ejaculation has to come soon. So they practice this in their early years. As a result, as they get older, they are unable to unlearn this behavior and when with a partner, they are unable to last for any length of time. It may take years before they are able to train their minds to think and react differently.

And this only scratches the surface of the problem. There are many other emotional and physical factors that affect a man’s ability to last in the bedroom. And the problem is growing. Millions of men suffer from premature ejaculation with no hope in site.

Well, I’ve found a great resource that might help. You can check it out in my signature and the review that I’ve written.
stop premature ejaculation

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